00100031001111411100111010001111110000111111010000 This program is equiped with Cursor-Guide™. As the mouse pointer is placed on an object on the screen, information about that object will appear here automatically. SoftBackup II is copyright © 1987-1994 by D-K Research, Inc. All rights reserved. This is version 4.27. FIND SCRIPT SIZE: click on this button to find the size of the script. The number of folders and files will be displayed, as well as the number of bytes (or kbytes for large scripts). This is the number of bytes for the files in the in the script (or kbytes for very large scripts). This is the number of folders and files in the script. Bytes for the files in the script (or KBytes for very large scripts). This is the number of folders and files in the script. This symbol means always backup the script item, even if it has not changed. This symbol means only backup the script item if it has changed since the last backup. This symbol means only backup the script item if it has changed after a particular date. Click in items directly below this in order to set up the backup criteria. Each item can be set to back up ALWAYS, back up only if CHANGED since the last backup, or back up only if changed AFTER a specified date. Click in items directly below this in order to make them backup only if they have changed since the last backup. Click in items directly below this in order to make them backup only if they have changed since a particular date. This is the date that script entries set for Backup After will use to determine if a script entry has changed. ADD TO SCRIPT: click on this button to add volumes, folders, or files you selected on the left, to the script on the right. Double click on volumes or folders, if you wish to select folders and files inside. This window is for building and editing backup scripts for file by file backup. Select volumes, folders, or files in the list on the left and ADD TO SCRIPT on the right. HELP: click on this button to get information about the edit script window. SAVE: click on this button to save your script. If you are creating a new script, you will be prompted to enter a script name. It is best to choose a name that is not too exact, so the same script can be used again. You may scroll up and down to find the script items you wish to select or modify. REMOVE ENTRY: click on this button to remove the selected items from the script. Select items you wish to remove from script or click on a new criteria for an item. BACKUP AFTER: select this button to set selected items to back up if changed after a particular date. IF CHANGED: select this button to set selected items to back up only if they have changed since the last backup. ALWAYS: select this button to set selected items to back up whether or not they have changed. This is what your script files look like from the Finder. You may scroll up and down to find the folders and files you wish to select. Select volumes, folders, and files to back up. Double click on volumes or folders to open them, in order to access folders and files inside. After selecting an item, click on the add to script button. DONE: click on this button to exit back to the backup window.